Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Android Arcade Game App: A Real World Project - Case Study Approach

Android Arcade Game App:  A Real World Project - Case Study Approach is no different in that it walks you through creating an arcade style Prison Break game app—top to bottom—for an Android smartphone or tablet.  This book teaches you the unique characteristics and challenges of creating an Arcade style game And it provides you with the full source code for this sample game app.
After working through this book, you can re-use its Prison Break app as your very own personal template, then customize for your specific variables, design and build your own Android game app - top to bottom.  Then, deploy in one or more of the available Android app stores.  Have fun and get coding.

What you’ll learn

  • How to use Android and OpenGL ES to create a fully functional Arcade game called Prison Break.
  • How to render graphics to the screen on all Android Ice Cream Sandwich devices including tablets
  • How to incorporate music into your game using OpenGL
  • How to upload and distribute your game using the Android Marketplace

Who this book is for

This book is for Android app developers with at least some experience, preferably with Android game apps.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Android Gaming
  2. What Is an Arcade Game ?
  3. Creating a Menu
  4. Drawing the Background
  5. Creating the Player Character and Obstacles
  6. Collision Detection
  7. Keeping Score
  8. Adding More Levels


About Borneo08

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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