Monday, 20 August 2012

Talkdroid Messenger 0.8.3

Talkdroid Messenger 0.8.3 - Talkdroid Messenger is a Windows Live Messenger instant messaging client or aka Msn Messenger.

* This is a donate version without ads.

Note: MSN and Windows Live are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. This application is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft Corporation.

* Do you wanna translate this application in more languages? email me!

Talkdroid Messenger supports current Features:
Talkdroid Messenger 0.8.3

* Multiple points of presence. Stay signed in in your computer and your phone at the same time.
* Facebook chat integration support. If you have your Facebook account linked with your Windows Live Messenger, you will could see and talk with you Facebook contacts!
* Email Notification. It notifies when you have new emails in your hotmail inbox.
* Yahoo contacts support. Now you can see and chat with yahoo contacts.
* SMS contacts support (only in some regions)
* Offline messages. Talkdroid automatically retrieves offline messages also at startup.
* Group chat. Press menu button for add a contact in your conversation.
* Windows Live Messenger 2011 chat icons.
* Roaming profile sync: lets retrieve and update your live roaming profile like photo, display name and personal message.
* Swipe among chats.
* Invisible sign in.
* Nudges.
* Chat history.
* Show if your contacts are connected thought Web Messenger or mobile phone.
* Support to accept or decline contact invitations.
* Notify when your contacts go online.
* Show what your contacts are listening.

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Follow on Twitter: @meeblelabs

Feedback and error reporting is welcome in this earlier development stage.
If you have any problem, suggestion or question, press menu button + send feedback in the login screen (if you do in the market comments, i cannot reply or ask for more details).

Talkdroid Messenger 0.8.3

Talkdroid Messenger 0.8.3


Download Apk Released by : chathu_ac :

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About Borneo08

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